Keep on trend with this perfect smaller size banjara. Our Petite Banjara is a mix of high fashion with a laid back style is great for everyday use from night to day. Custom fabric print Inspired by the gorgeous and unique fabrics of Indian culture.
Available in an assortment of Colors - Vibrant Pink & Turquoise, Turquoise & Lavender, Light Pink & Gold, Royal Blue & Fuchsia, Rose Pink & Green.
Included in your exclusively designed bag is a Matching Crystal Pouch containing a a set of Chakra crystals (seven crystals) that are designed to Balance, Align and Energize your seven chakras. When your Chakras are aligned and balanced you feel grounded and centered.
A portion of the proceeds from your purchase of this item funds the OmLuxe Collective in India.
The OmLuxe Collective is a group of Women in India growing into economic self- sufficiency through the art of their hands. They are crafting their own independence and becoming financially self-sufficient.
A woman in the developing world spends an average of 90 cents out of every dollar on education and healthcare for her children and family. For men, the statistics are closer to 30%, so that supporting women has a multiplier effect as her family and community also benefit from her choices, leadership, and prosperity.